Legal notices

The site is owned by the company:

BORRELLY Spring Washers

Siret 493 425 029 00011

Platières Business Park

448 rue du Moron – Corner Route de Ravel

69440 St-laurent-d’Agny – Lyon / France

Phone: 33 (0) 478 483 130

Fax: 33 (0) 478 483 138

Director of publication and editor: Mr. Dominique Borrelly

Photos: Dominique Borrelly

The site is published by Groupe Référence.

The site is hosted by the company 01SI, located at 49 AVENUE ROCKEFELLER 69003 LYON.

The BORRELLY Spring Washers Company Site is an intellectual work protected by intellectual property law.

The Site and each of its components (such as, in particular, brands, logos, photographs, images, illustrations, texts, videos, etc.) are the exclusive property of BORRELLY Spring Washers, the only one authorized to use the property rights. intellectual and personal rights relating thereto, which does not grant any license, nor any right other than that of consulting the site. The reproduction of all documents published on the Site is only authorized for the exclusive purposes of information for strictly personal and private use. Any reproduction and / or representation, in whole or in part, of the Site, or of any of the elements that compose it, on any medium whatsoever, for other purposes, and in particular commercial, is expressly prohibited. With the exception of the circumstances referred to above, any other reproduction and / or representation of the Site must be subject to the express prior authorization of the company BORRELLY Spring Washers.

Likewise, the creation of hypertext links to the Site can only be done with the prior written authorization of the company BORRELLY Spring Washers.
The company BORRELLY Spring Washers declines all responsibility for the content, advertising, products or services available on or from sites linked to the Site.

In addition, all the brands mentioned on the Site are registered and therefore protected brands. Any use of any of the said brands may not be made without the prior, express and written consent of the company BORRELLY Spring Washers under penalty of counterfeiting.

BORRELLY Spring Washers may need to collect personal data concerning the User. These personal data will be subject to automated processing and may be intended to contact you. In accordance with the provisions of law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, as amended, relating to data processing, files and freedoms , the User is informed that he has a right of access, opposition, rectification and deletion of data concerning him.To exercise these rights, the User simply has to make a request to the following email address:

BORRELLY Spring Washers is committed to preserving the confidentiality of personal data transmitted by the User in the context of use of the Site.

In addition, subject to having obtained its express prior consent when collecting the data, the company BORRELLY Spring Washers may send the User direct surveys by email. Finally, subject to having obtained its express prior consent when collecting the data, the company BORRELLY Spring Washers may be required to transfer the data concerning the User to its partners.

a. Use of Site content

BORRELLY Spring Washers strives to update the content of the Site and provide Users with accurate information.
However, the User knows that data and information transmissions over the Internet do not benefit from absolute technical reliability. Therefore, BORRELLY Spring Washers cannot guarantee the accuracy of the data appearing on the Site. Any errors or omissions must be notified to the following e-mail address:

Any use of the Site that does not comply with its original spirit and any violation of these provisions may give rise to the application of criminal and civil penalties provided for by law.

b. Access to the Site

The company BORRELLY Spring Washers strives to keep the Site accessible, without being under any obligation to do so. It is specified that for the purposes of maintenance, updating, and for any other reason, particularly of a technical nature, access to the Site may be interrupted. The company BORRELLY Spring Washers is in no way responsible for these interruptions and the consequences that may result for the User.

c. Hypertext links set up on the Site

The hypertext links set up on the Site may lead the User to the websites of various partners. It is specified that the company BORRELLY Spring Washers has not checked all the sites possibly linked to its content and information present therein, and therefore declines any responsibility for the content of these sites and the use made of them by the User. The use of these sites by the User is the sole responsibility of responsibility of the latter.

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